Belfort First Impressions

Belfort Box ArtGame Info

Publisher: Tasty Minstrel Games

Year Published: 2011

Number of Players: 2 to 5

Play Time: 90 to 180 minutes

Set-up Time: 5 to 10 minutes

Learning Curve: Medium

Ages: Rated 12 and up

Table Size: Medium to Large


At Gamestorm 16 I had the opportunity to play Belfort, an award-winning worker placement game published in the US by Tasty Minstrel Games.

In Belfort, players are competing to win control of several different city districts. To do so, they’ll use a variety of workers — namely elves, dwarves, and gnomes — to perform labor, gather resources, build new structures, and wrest control from other players.

Game Play

Tasty Minstrel Games (TMG) gives us a pretty good overview of the game from Continue Reading Belfort First Impressions

Gamestorm 16: Day One

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the seriesGamestorm 16


Once again, I had the opportunity to attend my region’s local gaming convention, Gamestorm, for a weekend of board game and RPG fun. I did an extensive write-up for Gamestorm 15 last year, and I’ll be doing the same this year.

This year, I was excited to bring both Monster Kart Mayhem and Psi-punk to the convention, but I was equally excited to get to try out some new games that I hadn’t played before. The convention didn’t go quite as planned, but I had a blast anyway.


Gamestorm had some serious issues with registration this year. They launched a new website and pre-reg system, and with it came a great deal of bugs and glitches. Because of this, pre-registration for games was all but non-existent; there were literally no pre-con sign-ups for board game events, and RPG events were a …
Continue Reading Gamestorm 16: Day One