Game Day September 2010: Cleopatra

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the seriesSeptember Game Day

Cleopatra Box ArtThe next morning we kicked off a game of Cleopatra, a Days of Wonder game, after breakfast.  Cleopatra is another resource management and building game, but varies quite a bit from Catan.  In this game, each player is an architect in Ancient Egypt, trying to build parts of a palace for Cleopatra herself.  During the game, players will collect resource cards, build different structures, and occasionally play special “character” cards to try to help them earn the most Victory Points.  However, some of these building pieces come at a cost: use of sub par resources or interaction with shady characters may help you build faster but will earn you “corruption points” at …
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Game Day September 2010: Catan Germany

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the seriesSeptember Game Day

Catan Germany Box ArtIt was getting pretty late when we finished A Touch of Evil and many folks either went home or went to bed.  Three of us stayed around to start one final board game of the night, though: Catan Geographies: Germany.  This game is very similar to other versions of Settlers of Catan but uses its own unique game board and ahs a number of key differences.

If you’re not familiar with the popular Settlers of Catan game franchise, you might want to look it up.  It is probably one of the most well-known German board games that have been ported to English, and for good reason.  Catan
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La Citta Review

La Citta is a civilization building game that encourages players to have well-balanced cities to achieve victories.

Neuland: First Impressions

Neuland is a Civilization-style board game from Z-Man Games, originally published in 2004. We picked up the game a couple of months ago and recently cracked it open for our first session. Despite experience a bit of burn-out from teh amount of time we spent on the game, we enjoyed our initial run.