[Kickstarter] Corporations! by Monkey Finger Games
October 1, 2013 NewsRecently a new Monkey FInger Games Kickstarter campaign launched for their upcoming card game, simply called Corporations! This card game for 2 – 4 players is all about the scheming and underhandedness of giant corporations. Play against your friends and battle for control of their businesses using Power, MOney, or Stocks. The person with the most power at the end of the game is the winner.
If the name Monkey Finger Games sounds familiar, it may be because I previewed their previous Kickstarter campaign for a game called “The Award Goes To” (read the previous preview). Though that game wasn’t successful in its funding campaign, Monkey Finger Games did send a print-and-play copy of the completed game to all people who pledged to support the game. I like that integrity, and according to their page for Corporations! they’ll be offering the same treatment.
I …
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Kickstarter: PowerUp Poker
July 3, 2013 NewsI recently received word about this interesting new twist on Texas Hold ‘Em called PowerUp Poker. It’s a poker game that blends in Mario Kart-style power-ups to make a poker game that’s probably unlike any you’ve played before.
I’m not much of a poker player myself, and I couldn’t even tell you the difference between Hold ‘Em and any other flavor, but the addition of these PowerUp cards actually makes the game seem rather interesting. I’m a sucker for Mario Kart though–just look at my own game, Monster Kart Mayhem. Plus, 8-bit card art! Who doesn’t love 8-bit art?
I did not receive anything for review so I can’t tell you for sure how this plays, but the Kickstarter video is very well done and rather convincing. It sounds like the game is pretty much ready to be shipped and they’re just raising money for production, so I …
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Kickstarter Preview: “The Award Goes To”
June 13, 2013 Game ImpressionsIntroduction
I owe a lot to Kickstarter for the success of Psi-punk, and I think the platform is a great way for other new independant publishers to get a chance to put their new and unique games in front of the entire world. Sometimes those games just need a bit of exposure, which is why you’ll find plenty of Kickstarter mentions and previews here on the site.
Today’s preview is for a card game by Monkey Finger Games called “The Award Goes To” This game is a blind betting game that lampoons Hollywood, movies, and actors. It’s also great for bolstering basic math skills for kids, and that’s something I really like to see.
So what is it about, and why is it so kid-friendly?
In “The Award Goes To,” players take on the roll of Hollywood producers who are just trying to make the best movies they can. And win …
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Guillotine Review
January 10, 2013 Game ReviewsGame Info
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Year Published: 1998
Number of Players: 2 to 5
Play Time: 30 minutes
Set-up Time: Less than 5 minutes
Learning Curve: Low
Ages: Rated 12 and up (suitable for 10 and up)
Table Size: Small
It’s the French Revolution, and you are an executioner tasked with beheading nobles. For the next three days, your job will be to corral the royals and make sure none escapes his fate. To make things more interesting (as if that weren’t interesting enough) you’ll earn prestige for offing the most influential nobles, but be careful not to kill anyone the people don’t have a beef with or your reputation will suffer.
Guillotine is a simple card game …
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Storming the Castle: First Impressions
December 14, 2012 Game ReviewsGame Info
Publisher: Toy Vault, Inc.
Year Published: 2008
Number of Players: 2 to 4
Play Time: 30 minutes
Set-up Time: About 5 minutes
Learning Curve: Low
Ages: 7 and up
Table Size: Small or Medium (depends on number of players)
Birthdays are a wonderful thing. It is around this time each year which I find myself surrounded by new board games to play, enjoy, and write about. This year, a family member saw fit to gift me with a board game — one of my favorite hobbies — themed around The Princess Bride — my favorite movie. In concept, at least, it is a match made in heaven; after all, isn’t it great to combine two things you love so dearly in to one, extra-amazing product? Well, the answer to that rhetorical question is …
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Lost Cities: First Impressions
March 28, 2012 Game Impressions
Game Info
Publisher: Kosmos, Rio Grande Games
Year Published: 1999
Number of Players: 2-2
Play Time: About 30 – 45 minutes
Set-up Time: About 5 minutes
Ages: 10 and up
Table Size: Medium
I recently got to take Lost Cities for a spin during the 14th annual Gamestorm convention in Vancouver, WA. My friend and I were looking for a quick game to pass the time, and this one was recommended by one of the people attending the Games Library booth at the convention.
Lost Cities is an easy-to-learn card game designed for only two players and was part of the Kosmos 2-Player Games series. The premise is pretty simple: You …
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Back to the Future – the Card Game: First Impressions
March 21, 2011 Game ImpressionsBack to the Future – the Card Game is a great family game that is worth adding to just about any collection. It isn’t incredibly detailed or difficult to learn, so I think even younger folks could pick it up and understand it, and it certainly doesn’t feel like a cheap licensed cash-grab either. While not incredibly deep, the gameplay is interesting and entertaining enough to play more than just once or twice, which certainly makes it worth the cost. Though I wouldn’t consider this a must-have game for everyone, it certainly deserves a spot on the gaming shelf, especially if you’re a Back to the Future fan.
[xrrgroup] [xrr rating=2.5/5 label=”Accessibility” group=”main” display_as=fraction_stars] [xrr rating=4.5/5 label=”Reviewer’s Rating” group=”main” display_as=fraction_stars] [xrr overall=true label=”Overall” group=”main” display_as=fraction_stars] [/xrrgroup]
Dominion: Review
February 16, 2011 Game Reviews
Game Info
Publisher: Rio Grande Games
Year Published: 2008
Number of Players: 2 to 4
Play Time: 30 minutes
Set-up Time: About 5 minutes
Ages: 10 and up
Table Size: Small or Medium (depends on number of players)
Despite the incredible amount of time I have spent playing the game, it has taken me a long time to write this review. I don’t usually have trouble coming up with words to describe something, least of all games, but with Dominion something is different. It is, perhaps, the epitome of what “accessible” means in relation to games and that, oddly enough, is what makes it so difficult to write about. How does one describe Dominion, with …
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