Great Indie RPG Giveaway 2014
June 22, 2014 NewsIf you’ve ever visited our Web Links page, you may have noticed a link to one of our favorite RPG news sites, It’s a fantastic website with a lot of great content, and this week they’re hosting their 3rd Annual “Great Indie RPG Giveaway.”
Loads of free indie RPGs from five different categories are being given away by several indie RPG publishers, including Accessible Games. To enter for a chance to win free games, you just need to head over to the contest page at Roleplayer’s Chronicle and follow the instructions.
This year we’re giving away several of our own games, including Abjurer’s Appendix, Colors of Grey, Conservation of Ninjutsu and, of course, Psi-punk. The event begins Sunday, June 22nd and runs through Monday, June 30th.
Visit Roleplayer’s Chronicle and enter for your chance to win!
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