First Impressions: Baron Munchausen
August 24, 2015 Game ImpressionsI mentioned in a recent GenCon Recap article that I had the opportunity to play The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen as my first impromptu game of the con. This zany game of tall tale telling provided a great experience for several of us during the IGDN Social, a casual pre-con get-together for Indie Game Developer Network members and friends.
Game Info
Publisher: Magnum Opus Press
Year Published: 1998
Number of Players: 2+ (the more the merrier)
Play Time: 30+ minutes (depends on number of players)
Set-up Time: 5 minutes
Learning Curve: Low
Ages: Any, although it’s geared toward adults
Table Size: Small
When someone sat down at my table during the IGDN Social and said “We’re going …
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