Survival of the Able First Draft Complete

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series Survival of the Able Updates

I first started thinking about Survival of the Able about four years ago. Since then, progress on the project has been slow going thanks to some major life events, but I finally set a goal to have a preview out by GenCon so I have been focused lately on delivering that.

Now I am proud to say that the first draft of the game’s manuscript is complete. From here, I’ll read through it a couple times and make sure there isn’t anything else that must be included in the GenCon preview, then it’ll be on to layout so I can prep an ashcan edition.

What’s an ashcan, you ask?

An ashcan is a beta copy of sorts. A simple book without all the artistry and pagentry of a complete release. The ashcan will be distributed in hopes of building some recognition and gaining some feedback before I finalize the book.

You don’t have to wait for the printed ashcan though. At the end of this post you’ll find a link to download the first draft manuscript. Note that this manuscript has all my markeup and layout notes, so it may look a little funny if you’re not used to reading that sort of thing.

If you choose to download and read through the manuscript, please consider offering some feedback. You can use the form on the Contact Us page to send me an email, or you can tag or message me on Twitter or Facebook (see the social media buttons on the right-hand side of this page). All feedback is welcome, wheter it’s your own ideas, your unanswered questions, or your constructive criticism.

Next time I’ll talk more about some of the design decisions that went into the game. You can prepare for that discussion by downloading and reading the manuscript using the button below.

Survival Of The Able First Draft
Survival Of The Able First Draft
1.3 MiB



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