Player Sign-ups for Virtuacon 15 are Live
October 3, 2015 NewsIt’s October, and that means RPGGeek’s annual Virtuacon, an all-online gaming convention, is just around the corner. Player sign-ups went live on October 1st, so now’s your chance to choose which games you’ll be playing during the con.
This year my participation is unfortunately limited due to conflicts with my day job’s schedule (I work Fridays and saturdays). I’ll be busy on Sunday though, so be sure to check out the following events:
There are six total player slots available at my Psi-punk table, so be sure to reserve your slot today. No experience is necessary and pre-gen characters are provided. to sign up, click the link above and leave a comment on the Google+ events page to let me know you’d like to have a seat in …
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Virtuacon 14 Player Sign-Ups are Live
September 23, 2014 NewsReserve your space now! Player sign-ups for Virtuacon ’14, RPGGeek’s premier online gaming convention, are now live. The convention runs three days, from October 10th through October 12th, and is completely free; all you need is a webcam and a couple of hours to spend playing some amazing games!
Do you know what the best part of an all-online gaming convention is? I mean, aside from the fact that you can drop in and out all weekend, don’t have to rent a hotel, don’t have to pay for transportation, and can eat outside food or drink whenever you’d like?
Yeah, aside from those.
No “gamer funk!”
This year I’ll be running Monster Kart Mayhem on Sunday, October 12th at 18:00 UTC (11:00 PDT). Check out the details and find the sign-up link here.
I also have two great GMs on board to run two separate games of Continue Reading Virtuacon 14 Player Sign-Ups are Live
Monster Kart Monday #8: Now With More Faeries
September 9, 2013 NewsMonster Kart Monday is back! We took a week off due to the holiday here in America, but we’ve returned to tell you a little bit more about MKM: Fairyland.
You may remember me talking about MKM Fairyland in Week 6. Now it’s been a few weeks and I have a bit more news for you on that front. The new race course is coming along great, and 7 out of 8 new racers have been fully written up. So far we have
* Daphne the Dryad
* Gunther the Gnome
* Seth the Satyr
* Sylvia the Sylph
* Paisley the Pixie
* Barty the Brownie
* Bogey the Boggart
I’m still torn between two options for the 8th character: Natalie the Nixie or Nell the Nymph. I suppose I could make 9 total characters, but that’s such an odd number (geddit?). What are your thoughts: Nixie or Nymph for character number …
Continue Reading Monster Kart Monday #8: Now With More Faeries
Monster Kart Monday #7: VirtuaCon and a New Alpha
August 26, 2013 NewsThis week I took a bit of a break from designing MKM Fairyland because I had a lot of work to do on the core book itself. There’s a lot to talk about this week, so let’s get started!
Monster Kart Mayhem at VirtuaCon ’13
First of all, I’d like to bring your attention to VirtuaCon ’13. Player sign-ups went live today, and we already have 3 out of 10 total slots filled up for Monster Kart Mayhem.
Here’s the info you need to get started.
Sign up for games using this list.
Specifically, Monster Kart Mayhem sign-ups are on page 4 of this list. You might also wish to check out the sign-ups for Psi-punk on page 1.
RPGGeek’s VirtuaCon is unofficially “the best 3 days in virtual gaming.” Games are run via Google Hangouts …
Continue Reading Monster Kart Monday #7: VirtuaCon and a New Alpha