Contact Us

Feel free to comment on any of our posts, but if you need to get in touch with Accessible Games directly you can use the contact form below.

Reviews and Guest Articles

Interested in writing a game review or guest article for Accessible Games? Use the Contact Form to let us know. We’ll be happy to provide you the space to share your thoughts, and we’ll link back to your own website, blog, or profile.

Game Designers and Artists

We are currently accepting submissions from designers and artists who wish to work with us.  Please contact us if you are interested and we may request a sample of your work.

Kickstarter Promoters

I am a huge fan of Kickstarter, and I have often promoted the campaigns of others on this website..

With that being said, I am not currently accepting Kickstarter promotions for review at this time. Simply put, I have a lot going on in my life right now and the amount of time I have to devote to promoting the works of others has diminished.

I fully intend to open up Kickstarter submissions again in the future, but in the meantime consider posting your promotions to the following threads: BoardGameGeek and RPGGeek.