Monster Kart Mayhem

Monster Kart Mayhem Front CoverGhoulish family fun featuring monsters, their cars, and a race track that fights back.

The Back of the Book

Monsters, Start Your Engines!

Get ready for the Monster Mash, a speed race and battle royale of monstrous proportions. You’ll race across 1,000 kilometers of scenic Transylvania. Start by dodging your way past the Rolling Hills, maneuver your way through the Cliffs of Insanity, fend off gnashing piranha in the Scary Swamp, and even visit the grounds of Dracula’s Castle. The first monster to reach the Finnish Line (a line hailing from Finland) with their car intact wins.

Monster Kart Mayhem Back CoverIn this Fudge™ System-compatible kart-racing family game, you’ll find:

  • 9 unique racers with their own Perks and Quirks, including: Abominable Snowman, Big Foot, Count Dracula, El Chupacabra, and more.
  • Guidelines for creating your own racer if you prefer the Do-It-Yourself route.
  • 9 Power-Ups to help you improve your chances of success, including Garlic Bombs, Piranha Launchers, Invisibility Cloaks, Super Buzz Saws, and more.
  • A race course that fights back—those trees in the Freaky Forest want revenge on woodcutters, but they’ll take you instead.

Monster Kart Mayhem is suitable for ages 8 and up.

 More Info

Nominated for the 2014 RPGGeek Golden Geek Awards for Game of the Year 2014.

Monster Kart Mayhem is a rules light and GM-less RPG based on the Fudge System by Grey Ghost Press. It is designed for 2 to 6 players and takes about an hour to play.

The initial game release features 9 monsters and 1 race course, with more of each to be added in future updates.

During the race, known as the Monster Mash, players will attempt to outmaneuver, out-wit, and out-smash opponents while simultaneously watching out for tricky obstacles. Players pick one monster to race through some of Transylvania’s greatest countryside, such as the Rolling Hills, Cliffs of Insanity, Quicksandy Beaches, Freaky Forest, Scary Swamp, and Dracula’s Castle. Each of these regions has its own hazards to watch out for, so you’ll need to be a Superb driver if you wish to cross the Finnish Line first and be declared this year’s winner.

To catch up on the game’s weekly updates visit Series: Monster Kart Monday. All of the latest news about MKM is collected in this series so you won’t miss a thing!



Curious? Check out the Beta version that was freely available before the game’s final release.

Monster Kart Mayhem Beta
Monster Kart Mayhem Beta
Monster Kart Mayhem Beta.pdf
3.2 MiB

Supplemental Files

Pre-Filled Character Sheets
Pre-Filled Character Sheets
Monster Kart Mayhem Character Sheets Full Set.pdf
5.4 MiB
Form-Fillable Character Sheets
Form-Fillable Character Sheets
Monster Kart Mayhem Form-Fillable Character Sheet.pdf
100.9 KiB
Monster Kart Mayhem Print-Outs.pdf
3.7 MiB


Art by Bradley K. McDevitt


Monster Kart Mayhem Goes to Camp (Live Demo)

“Fund or Fail” Interview with Jacob Wood

Web Links