Accessible Games Post-GenCon Sale

I wasn’t at GenCon this year, which means I unfortunately didn’t get a chance to show off Psi-punk at the country’s biggest gaming convention. As a consolation prize to myself, and to everyone who is coming back from the con with a little less change in their pocket, I’ve decided to launch a post-GenCon sale for all Accessible Games products.

From now until August 31st, 2013, all Accessible Games products are 20% off through RPGNow and DriveThruRPG. This includes Psi-punk in PDF, softcover, and hardcover varieties, Colors of Grey, and the Game Publishing Lessons Learned e-book.

To get your copies today, visit the Accessible Games page at DriveThruRPG.

Also, please remember to tell your friends and to leave ratings for your books!
