Great Read: Board Games Help Recover from Brain Injury

I recently came upon this fantastic article on Kotaku: Board Games are Helping My Wife Recover from Traumatic Brain Injury. I highly recommend taking a few minutes to read it.

In brief, the article is by a man whose wife suffered traumatic brain injury after a severe car accident about a year ago. Since then, he and his wife have been using board games as therapy, and they’ve been helping in a number of ways. Not only do they provide a fun way to take a break from the world, they also help her strengthen a number of different cognitive functions that were lost after the accident.

Here at Accessible Games we have a saying: “Games for absolutely everyone.” This article is a great example of that motto in action. Even someone recovering from such a difficult setback can take advantage of the many benefits board games offer. They’re not just fun, they serve a number of other important functions as well. From socialization to memory and fine motor skills, board games and RPGs help improve our lives in so many ways.

How have games enriched your life? Let us know in the comments.

