Accessible Gaming Quarterly Year 2 Now on Kickstarter
February 2, 2021 News
When I launched the Kickstarter campaign for Accessible Gaming Quarterly during last year’s Zine Quest promotion, I had no idea what kind of impact it was going to have. Would it be well-received? Would people be interested in the promised content? Do people really care about accessibility, or is it just one of those things we talk about?
Now that I think about it, there was a lot of uncertainty and bothersome thinking there.
Well you know what? You gals and guys shattered my expectations, uplifted my spirits, and proved to the world that accessibility is a topic people really do care about. You’ve proven that people with disabilities are not invisible, and you’ve proven there is genuine interest in what we have to say.
Now it’s time to shatter expectations once more. Last year, we raised over $4900 in just 14 days. That’s well above the typical amount raised for a Zine Quest project.
Can you help us beat our record?
. As part of the Zine Quest 3 event, it is limited to a campaign duration of just 14 days. That doesn’t give us much time to make our voices heard, so please come on by the campaign, pledge what you can, and shout about the campaign from your rooftops (because we know you can’t go out in public and whisper it in peoples’ ears right now).
Here is a simple link to share with your friends:
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