GM’s Day Sale at DTRPG

GM’s Day is March 4th, and to celebrate DriveThruRPG is holding their annual GM’s Day Sale.  Thousands of titles are 30% off, including several from Accessible Games and many of our friends.

Use this link to find all of our GM’s Day Sale titles at DTRPG.

Our Games

All of our Pathfinder RPG-Compatible products, including Scroll of STyles and the Alliterative Amusements books, are on sale.

If your GM loves cyberpunk but needs some help getting those campaign ideas going, you can gift them a copy of Fire Starters: 10 Adventure Seeds to Spark Your Cyberpunk Campaign.

Finally, you can give your GM a break by going GM-less with Monster Kart Mayhem. The PDF is on sale for just $7.

If you’re wondering why Psi-punk isn’t on the list, it’s because that’s still available until March 6th through the IGDN Bundle of Holding. You can get it and loads of other great indie RPGs at a price you set, and 10% of net sales go to a fantastic children’s charity.

Other Great Games

I was one of the authors on Infestation, a Game of Bugs and Heroes by Third Eye Games. If you’re looking for a family-friendly RPG about sentient insects, this one’s the game for you.

Also by Third Eye Games is AMP: Year One and its adventures Attack of the Buzz and Evolution of Apex. While you’re at it, you may also be interested to know that AMP: Year Two is currently on Kickstarter.

If your GM prefers the title of Director, or if you’re interested in an ENnie Award-winning game where you get to play as an assassin, check out Killshot: the Director’s Cut by Mystical Throne Entertainment. This is seriously one of the most enjoyable games to read, and it’s great fun too. Just be aware it’s not for kids.

For all other GM’s Day Sale titles, visit the main sale page at DTRPG