Player Sign-ups for Virtuacon 15 are Live

Vrituacon 15 Logo

It’s October, and that means RPGGeek’s annual Virtuacon, an all-online gaming convention, is just around the corner. Player sign-ups went live on October 1st, so now’s your chance to choose which games you’ll be playing during the con.

This year my participation is unfortunately limited due to conflicts with my day job’s schedule (I work Fridays and saturdays). I’ll be busy on Sunday though, so be sure to check out the following events:

There are six total player slots available at my Psi-punk table, so be sure to reserve your slot today. No experience is necessary and pre-gen characters are provided. to sign up, click the link above and leave a comment on the Google+ events page to let me know you’d like to have a seat in the game.

The Self-Publishing panel is an on Air event and anyone is welcome to watch. Click “Yes” on the “Are you going to watch?” button to have Google send you a reminder when the event goes live on Sunday morning, October 25th.

I’ll also be hosting a contest on the RPGGeek forums between October 18th and October 25th. It’s going to be a fun dice challenge based on our game Conservation of Ninjutsu and I’ll post the link when that event goes live.

Not content with just these events? Head on over to RPGGeek for a full list of what’s happening.