Our Friends are Having a Sale

Our friends at Broken Ruler Games are running their ‘Crappiest Sale Ever” in honor of Thomas Crapper Day. Starting Sunday, January 27th and continuing through February 3rd, all their products will be on sale at DriveThruRPG and other OneBookShelf sites.

Read the announcement here.

Why does this matter to you, our readers?

BRG has demonstrated a sincere commitment to accessibility with their games. They reached out to me personally to ask for feedback on the character sheet for ScreenPlay. Then they went about ten steps further and implemented every suggestion from Accessible Guide to RPG Layout when they produced High Plains Samurai.

I haven’t formally reviewed HPS yet, but I am telling you right now it is the most accessible PDF of any RPG I have read to date. Yes, even moreso than Shaintar, for which I wrote this accessibility teardown.

See my previous coverage of some BRG games:

Killshot: Reloaded Backer Preview

Remember to mark your calendars for this awesome sale.



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