Psi-punk: Drone Gifts Preview
March 9, 2018 NewsLast week, we saw the C47 Prowler, a top-of-the-line attack drone from the upcoming Psi-punk: Drones sourcebook. It featured a lot of Gifts not seen in the Psi-punk core book, so we’ll take a look at a few of them here.
As a refresher, Gifts are beneficial qualities possessed by just about everything in the game of Psi-punk. These traits often grant special benefits to people, gear, vehicles, and–of course–drones. Gifts aren’t usually just +1 bonuses to skills; they usually do a lot more for a person or thing. They also have different costs depending on how powerful the Gift is or what it does.
C47 Prowler’s Gifts
Gifts: Cloaking, Collapsible, Dodge, Silent (Area), Sneak Attack, Spy Cam
The drone easily blends into its surroundings, making it difficult to detect. While cloaked, a drone may not be attacked without the aggressor first making a Great (+2) Notice (See) check. The …
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Psi-punk: Drones Preview Continued
March 2, 2018 NewsLast week, we defined Drones in Psi-punk and took a look at the Hound, a drone designed to be an expert tracker. This week we’ll dive a little more into the mechanics of Drones so you can see how they operate.
To keep things simple (and our sub-systems from getting out of control), we treat drones like vehicles, with a few exceptions. This is great if you’ve already read through the Psi-punk core book and are familiar with how vehicles work. There isn’t much new to learn or memorize. Here’s a snippet from the Drones text:\
Drone Traits
Treat drones as vehicles (see page 65 of the Psi-punk core book) to determine their Traits. Drones have all the same Traits as other vehicles, but they aren’t designed to be piloted or carry passengers. Drones have the following differences.
Size: Most drones are Mediocre (-1) Size or smaller.
Handling: Ordinarily, you would add …
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Psi-punk Archetypes: Technomancer Preview
January 20, 2018 NewsThe Psi-punk Archetypes line has been a fun way to detail different character concepts using the mechanics and fiction of Psi-punk. Each of the 3-4 page PDFs contains a first-person perspective introduction from someone who identifies with the chosen archetype, as well as a list of Skills, Gifts, Faults, and Gear they might use. Each of the sections delves a little into the why behind these choices, and in the case of Gifts, Faults, and Gear, the sections offer a few new examples you can use in your game.
If you’ve read the Psi-punk core rulebook, you’ll know that archetypes have no mechanical meaning. Instead, they’re suggestions about how to add flavor to a character and can be a helpful way to describe your character’s niche. Let’s take a look at the Technomancer, which will be the next book to arrive as part of this line.
Technomancers such as myself are in …
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Psi-punk: Drones Preview
February 23, 2018 NewsLast month we took a look at the Technomancer archetype for Psi-punk. These masters of electrokinesis are adept at manipulating technology, and their favorite tool is the drone.
Drones Defined
Drones are small robots built to serve a specific purpose. While common household appliances often meet the definition of what constitutes a drone, it’s rarely practical for someone to bring a vacuum cleaning robot along on a perilous mission. Most drones used by technomancers are built to improve upon a skill or ability they aren’t very good at or to give them new abilities they don’t otherwise possess.
As autonomous robots, drones act according to their programming unless otherwise instructed by someone with thea bility to communicate with them. Anyone with the cyberpsi Gift (a sub-set of the electrokinesis power) or with a cyberpsi magic device of PR: 1 or greater can communicate directly with a drone and give it …
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Psi-punk Archetypes: Psiborg Preview
May 9, 2018 NewsIt’s taking a little longer than anticipated to get the Kickstarter campaign going for Drones, Technomancers, and Psiborgs. Fear not, though–we’re getting much closer every day.
The upcoming Kickstarter campaign will be to raise funds for three products: Drones, Technomancers, and Psiborgs. You’ve already seen previews of Drones and Technomancers (and if not, use the series navigation to go back and check them out). Now it’s time to take a look at the latest Psi-punk Archetype, the Psiborg.
What are Psiborgs?
Psiborgs are people who have outfitted their bodies with copious amounts of cyberware. Most their ware is enhanced with magic, making it more powerful and versatile than traditional cyberware.
For example, ESP Sight is a cyber eyes add-on which enables the user to see things at a distance, perhaps even on the other side of a wall. Psi-Chip Readers are like Skill Chip Readers, but instead of giving the user …
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