Monster Kart Monday #15: Layout Changes

This entry is part 15 of 21 in the series Monster Kart Monday

In preparation of the upcoming Kickstarter campaign, I have been working hard on improving the layout for Monster Kart Mayhem and the adventure packs.

This week, I shifted from an 8.5″x11″ format to a 6″x9″ format. It’s a little easier to read on tablets and the print version will be nice and portable.

In addition to the 6×9 format, I plan to host 8.5×11 print-ready files for things like character sheets and race maps as well. That means you won’t need to scale them up to fill a whole sheet of traditional printer paper.

Additionally, I’ve learned a lot o new little typography tips and tricks over the last week, and I’m working on integrating them into the game’s layout. The overall effect is a much nicer looking book, and a more legible book too. I think you’ll appreciate the changes.

On the game side of things, the Play-by-Forum games over at RPGGeek are coming along well (see Monster Kart Monday #13 for links to read along). No further changes to the text of the book will be made until the PbF games have presented more detail, but things are really starting to feel polished.

Next week there will be a lot more to share, including a new preview of the game’s layout and some Kickstarter goodness.

Until then, you can still download Alpha 6 and give the game a spin for yourself!

Series Navigation<< Monster Kart Monday #14: Alpha 6, Optional RulesMonster Kart Monday #16: Kickstarter Preview >>